Wednesday, 31 May 2017


When you wake up in the morning do you have these questions in your mind?
What will I be doing today?
What will my day be like?
What am I supposed to do today?
Did I book any appointments today?
What day is today?
What's today's date?
Funny as some of this questions might be, people really do ask such questions and you might just be one of those persons. However, there are certain steps in which when applied will be of great help to you; saving you the embarrassment of asking yourself funny questions in the morning. Trust me, you do not want to get the morning pissed off! 

PRAYER: Well this works for me; being a very religious person. There is this relaxed feeling you get after committing your day to the hands of the creator. You will really need to be in that state of mind(relaxed) in order to think your way through.  

A PLAN AND A BUDGET: If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. This is a popular saying which if analysed closely is the truth about life. Those who succeed in life are those who have used their brains effectively, and have spent time putting things to paper. Do you want to succeed today?; Get your writing materials (Pen/Paper), recall the activities of the previous day and then link them to the present. That way, you will be able to create a connection with the activities of the previous day, thereby effectively managing the present. Do you think you will need to spend money today?; After carefully outlining your activities on a paper, you can attach monetary value to those that will call for it. That way, money will not be underspent or overspent. 

EXECUTION OF PLAN: The true test of a successful planner is his/her ability to execute. Don't just plan your day, move out to execute everything you put down. A good plan executioner must be time conscious else he/she will not meet up. Start executing your plans on time to avoid a spill over.

EVALUATION: This is carried out at the end of your day's activities. Where you able to achieve your set goals?; What time-consuming factors affected the execution of your day's plans?; Did your budget run at a deficit or surplus?; What factors affected your budget implementation?; etc. 

MAKE ADJUSTMENTS: The evaluation stage is meant to detect lapses in the implementation of the plan. After this lapses are detected, it is necessary that you make adjustments were necessary. This will help you plan better the following morning. No plan is error-free, hence adjustments are very necessary to achieve a more successful planning.

There is this happiness you get when you not only plan your day's activities, but achieve them. Wish you a successful day.

Golden Odey 


I am not trying to be caste sensitive here but only those in the field of law in the university/law school, will find this most beneficial. I have heard stories of law students saying there are little or no law materials on-line. I have decided to proof them wrong by compiling a list of websites you can get this materials. Are you a law student/scholar, looking for websites where you can get law materials, articles, source books, etc.? You are surely in the right place as below lies a list of carefully compiled websites were you can get what you are looking for in little or no time. 

Wish you the best of luck in your Academic pursuit

Golden Odey


Good day readers, this article will focus on some businesses you can do in school and still do very well in your academic pursuit. Even though the primary aim of going to school is to study and make good grades; making passive income is also not a bad idea at all. In fact, students who are into this are the most financially independent set of people in the campus environment. Some people are often scared of venturing into this because they believe it will affect their academic performance negatively. True as this may be, but there are certain businesses one can do as a student that will have little or no impact on their studies. Some of these businesses are explained in details below.

  1. AIRTIME SALES: Over 95% of  students have cell phones; making the demand for airtime inevitable. These recharge card vouchers can be purchased in bulk by a student on-line or offline and sold to his/her fellow students within and outside the learning environment. One good thing about this business is that these vouchers are relatively very light and can be carried from place to place without feeling stressed. Start a recharge card selling business today.
  2. MARKETING: There are certain situations were students are so busy to the extent that getting to the market is always quite a problem. You can take advantage of such scenarios. What are those things you think your colleagues are so in need of but cannot easily have access to?; Is it clothes, shoes, necklaces, light foods (snacks)?; take advantage of these scenarios because they always show up.
  3. TUTORIALS: This is for the intelligent ones of the class. You can gain passive income by teaching your colleagues and possibly those in the lower levels. This is a good means of making extra money as it has little or no impact on your studies but rather develops your intellectual capacity.
  4. HAIR CARE SERVICES: This is a little bit quite extreme but if managed properly will have very little impact on your studies. Students always love to look good and looking good comprises making good hair for the ladies, and having nice hair cuts for the men. Putting up a small shop where you can offer this service to your colleagues would not be a bad idea at all. Like I said before, if managed properly, the impact on your studies is very minimal.
  5. LAUNDRY SERVICES: Every student on campus wears clothes, and this clothes will always need some washing. The very fact that your colleagues know you are into this business will prompt them to always try to patronize you. Though a little bit quite time consuming, if managed properly like the hair care service, impact on studies is also at the barest minimum.
So what are you waiting for?; Start up something today and be happy you did.

Golden Odey  

Tuesday, 30 May 2017


Publishing your seminars/research works constitutes a big career boost especially for those in the educational field. If you wish to pursue a career in the educational sector presumably as a lecturer, the number of works you have published goes a long way to improve your job benefits. Do not let those project works you suffered to write go to the library archives to end up being discarded someday, store those works on line by publishing them. The good news is that there are on-line journals for which you can publish these works for free. Looking for where to publish your articles/works at little or no cost? Below is a list of carefully compiled on line journals were you can achieve this fit;

Save your works, Publish your works. The future might just be in need of them.

Golden Odey


The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines illiteracy as the quality or state of being illiterate, i.e. inability to read and write. True as this might be, but could this really qualify what illiteracy really is?; lets take another definition by Paul Adepoju, "illiteracy is the inability of an individual to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute using printed and written materials associated with varying contexts". This to me is a better definition of illiteracy. Illiteracy goes beyond just reading and writing. Illiteracy also involves human basic reasoning, understanding, creativity, and communication. 
Several factors result in illiteracy. Some of these include;

  • INEFFECTIVE GOVERNMENT SYSTEM: When the government of a nation pays little attention to the educational sector, there is bound to be an increase in the level of illiteracy in that nation. Until governmental bodies see education as the bedrock or foundation of any nation, the educational system is bound to fail.
  • CORRUPTION: As abstract as this may be, it is one of the leading causes of high level of illiteracy especially in developing nations. Stories have been told were monies meant to be invested in the educational sector are being diverted by corrupt government officials for their personal interests. Until the level of corruption in any nation is checked and controlled, funds meant for specific projects (not only in the educational sector) will end up being embezzled or misused.
  • UNDER-QUALIFIED TUTORS: This is prevalent in many developing and under-developed nations especially. When we have people in the system who teach not because they have passion for it, but because they want to get paid at the end of every month; the educational system is bound to be unstable resulting in the production of "under-baked" or "half-baked" graduates who contribute little or nothing to the growth of the nation.
 Having said all these, it is necessary that you now know the five (5) "wonderful" things about illiteracy.

  1. POVERTY: Research has it that majority of the poor all over the world are illiterates. This set of people can only have access to unskilled low paying jobs, high level of drudgery in farm work leading to low yield and thus leading to very low income. They constitute a majority of the population in most under-developed countries and in some developing countries.
  2. INSURGENCY: Research has shown that nations recording high levels of insurgency are those plagued by low/ineffective educational systems. Illiteracy brings about a high level of gullibility; thus people are easily brainwashed into carrying out certain acts which are detrimental to the peace and security of the nation.
  3. FOOD SECURITY: This is a situation where food is readily Available, Accessible and Affordable. Countries with high levels of illiteracy are characterised by low food production. This is because they have little or no access to high yielding seed varieties,  technological know-how and best farm management practices. These countries most times cannot produce enough food to carter for their population and in most cases resort to international aids.
  4. POLITICAL INSTABILITY: This can likewise be called "civil unrest". Due to the high level of poverty in these nations, people resort to doing anything possible to survive. This people fall prey to evil politicians/government officials (permit me to say) who cease the opportunity to make use of this vulnerable individuals (youths especially), to cause unrest in the society. This is a common occurrence in some developing countries; especially during election periods.
  5. CRAWLING ECONOMY: A nation where more than half of its citizens is illiterate is bound to be very slow in terms of progress. This is because all the sectors that make up the economy will be affected. Take for instance the health sector; when half-baked doctors are chunked out of the university/college, there is bound to be a FLAW in the health care delivery system of that nation, impeding development.
Having given this five (5) points, only those who understand what EUPHEMISM or IRONY is, will understand the term "WONDERFUL" as used in the title of this work.
Thanks for your time and feel free to drop your comments.

Golden Odey   


Are you a student in need of materials for your seminar and project works?; Do you know that there are over a thousand and one sites on the internet were you could have access to seminar and project materials free of charge?; If you didn't then today is a good day for you as I have compiled a list of ten (10) sites you could get these materials. These websites if carefully navigated will give you the best results for what ever materials you might be looking for. The sites are listed BELOW:

These sites offer first hand assistance on research materials and are sure to produce the exact work or one that is closely related to what you are looking for.
Wish you the Best of Luck in your academic pursuit.


By Golden Odey

Are you preparing to step into school; do you know that college defines the kind of person you will be in life? if you do then you should take the right steps and know the company you keep as this will influence your life sooner than you’d expect. Below are the types of persons you should expect to meet in the university/college.

1.   COMPETITORS: These set of people are also known as the “Nerds”. They are often found in the front seats in class. They spend most of their time in school arguing over a just concluded lecture and rating the performance of the lecturer. This group of people could be said to be less sociable as they are always among themselves.  Should I forget to add, these set of students give lecturers hard times in class with their encyclopedic brain-shifting questions.

2.   DISTRACTORS: These set of students are of the opinion that college is a place of 90% fun and 10% of hard work. “Life is too short to kill myself with books” is a popular slogan among these set of people. They attend/ are aware of every social activity going on on/off campus. These set of students have no problems making friends as they are a very sociable set of people. They often fall prey to lecturers as they often miss classes, continuous assessments, and in some occasions, exams!

3.   LESS CONCERNED: These set of students fall into the group known as the Married Women Association (MWA). As the name implies, these are the married women in class who are just after the certificate. These set of people are often lost in class in their thoughts (“What on earth are they thinking of; their babies and husbands perhaps”). They are often found among themselves (they know themselves) and are quite choosy when it comes to making friends.

4.   ARROGANT: This is a very discriminatory set of students. They only make friends with people of their category and could be said to be the most choosy set of people in school. They drive the trending cars; wear exotic make up and fashion designs; carry expensive phones, etc. Most of the students in this category are average performers when it comes to academic work but they are quite fun to be with. If you want to join them, you’ve just got to be like them.

5.   ATHLETES: These group of students comprises the “Messis, Ronaldos, Jose Mourinhos, Usain Bolts, Serena Williams, Sharapovas, Rafael Nadals, and the rest of them in the world of sports. You hardly know the real names of this group of students as they are often named after their role models in sports. These students perform quite poorly in their academic work as they often times dedicate their time to what they obviously prefer; “SPORTS”. “I just want the certificate and I’m out of here”, you’d hear them say.

6.   NEWS CASTERS: These are the most current set of students in class. They carry the latest of news and are always ready to share it with anybody that cares to listen. This group of students is not always in need of friends as they are everywhere and have so many followers on/off social media platforms. They are often among the best in class when it comes to academic activities.

7.   POLITICIANS: College is never complete without these set of people; “Our Future Leaders”. These set of students were born to argue. They argue about the previous, present and future government. These set of students are known to relate everything to politics; “that lecturer speaks like Trump, very authoritative”, “that guy is an Idiamin!”. Lecturers seem to like these guys because they often have like minds.

8.   CLERGY MEN: These are the “holy men and women” of the class. They seem to find a fault in almost anything someone does and never hesitate to correct that person. They are in charge of spiritual activities in school; from revivals to crusades to normal Sunday service. When it comes to manners, I give it to these set of students. They are peaceful, gentle and always ready to help In every possible way they can.

9.   BACK BENCHERS: Some seats in class are left unoccupied because they have owners. These students whether early or not, prefer to seat behind. Permit me to say, but these students often seem to have a high level of inferiority complex. They contribute little or nothing during lectures and are always the first set of persons to leave the class when lectures are over. Academically, they are in most cases average.

10.               LECTURERS: “Lectures after Lectures” you would hear them say. This group of students has made up their minds to pursue a lecturing job after college. You will find them in front of the class when the lecturer is gone, doing the job of a lecturer. This group of persons is sound academically and also loves to get the attention when the opportunity shows up.

Having given the above classification, it is up to you to decide the group you want to belong to. I’d choose wisely if I were you. College is a one time opportunity you should never waste.



EPISODE 7: MY DECISION I was lucky not to miss any paper as I recovered quite quickly. The exams began on a hot note with lecturers hav...